Monday, April 30, 2007
procrastination abounds
People.com is constantly adding new ways for me to procrastinate. StarTracks started it all. It's what I do in the morning time. I look at Britney's new hat, Jessica's new hair, Mary Kate's same old leggings, and I drink my coffee. It's just my way. After my coffee and StarTracks, I'm ready to tackle the blogs. After the blogs, I do my real work. Which I love.
But I digress.
People.com has introduced a new and no doubt highly entertaining website called People's Real Life Weddings. People (you and me, not famous people) are invited to submit and lament about horrendous bridesmaid's dresses from yesteryear. If nothing else, it will provide you with ample reason not to DIY on the bridesmaids dresses. It will also make you thankful that the 80's are behind us.
bridesmaid's dress,
non-wedding fun
Sunday, April 29, 2007
sam and dave: the shower
Keeping it brief this morning, right to Samantha:
Last weekend we had the pre-wedding party, it was so lovely. The weather was glorious! Having my friends and family together was the most wonderful experience. Everyone was very laid back; we ate, made almond biscotti, sat under the umbrella on the patio, relished the shade on the porch, lounged in the hammock, chatted in the Adirondack chairs and picnicked on the lawn. Here are some photos I took along with a lovely family portrait my friend/photographer extraordinaire Chad. The ones of me on the patio and on the lawn (peach dress) were taken by my photographer friend Erin. I was sad when the day was over but some of my family stayed on and we had a lovely dinner and started perusing childhood photos for the slideshow, it turns out that me and Dave went to the same day camp at the same time (weird coincidence!). It was a meaningful and memorable day that meant the world to Dave and me.
Last weekend we had the pre-wedding party, it was so lovely. The weather was glorious! Having my friends and family together was the most wonderful experience. Everyone was very laid back; we ate, made almond biscotti, sat under the umbrella on the patio, relished the shade on the porch, lounged in the hammock, chatted in the Adirondack chairs and picnicked on the lawn. Here are some photos I took along with a lovely family portrait my friend/photographer extraordinaire Chad. The ones of me on the patio and on the lawn (peach dress) were taken by my photographer friend Erin. I was sad when the day was over but some of my family stayed on and we had a lovely dinner and started perusing childhood photos for the slideshow, it turns out that me and Dave went to the same day camp at the same time (weird coincidence!). It was a meaningful and memorable day that meant the world to Dave and me.
sam and dave,
Thursday, April 26, 2007
isharya jewelry
Looking for jewelry that's a little more exotic, but not too over the top? Check out Isharya, especially the earring selection. They have everything from real diamond stunners to some less expensive (still gorgeous) styles I've shown here.
wediquette, schmediquette
Every week Xochitl (pronounced so-cheel), our resident wediquette expert and owner of Always a Bridesmaid Wedding Consulting, answers an etiquette question submitted* by one of our readers. So, (without further ado):
Q: After sending out save the date cards, a few people already responded saying they can't come to the wedding. Do I still send them an invitation? Seems rude not to, seems like another push for a present to send it. Help! --Sarah
A: Great question! While it does seem like a bit of pressure for a gift, I think that may just be the courteous bride in you who doesn't want to seem greedy. Even if people say that they can't make it after receiving a save the date we always like to encourage brides to send the formal invite anyway. First, because the truth is, plans change over the course of six months! If these guests rated the A-list for your wedding, if something came up and they were able to make it, wouldn't you hate for them to feel that they'd been "un-invited" or unsure if they were still welcome? But we also encourage invitations because they would probably appreciate knowing that you wanted them to feel included and appreciated. Receiving a wedding invitation is a special thing.
We like to advise our brides to add a personal note with these invitations so that you avoid confusion and alleviate pressure. Sometimes it's nothing more than a small enclosure that says something like: "We know you won't be able to join us, but should plans change, we would love to have you with us."
To just visit the gift issue one more time, it's also not uncommon for brides and grooms to start receiving gifts upon sending out save the dates! Some will be gifts with notes of regrets, but still others will be "engagement" gifts- especially if your Save the Date has information directing them to a website with registry info. So keep that in mind when you send our your first big "mailing" and know that even if you don't post it anywhere, you might want to let your parents know where you are registered. --Xochitl of Always a Bridesmaid
*If you've got a question for our expert, submit it by clicking "submit your question" in the right hand column, under "wediquette".
Q: After sending out save the date cards, a few people already responded saying they can't come to the wedding. Do I still send them an invitation? Seems rude not to, seems like another push for a present to send it. Help! --Sarah
A: Great question! While it does seem like a bit of pressure for a gift, I think that may just be the courteous bride in you who doesn't want to seem greedy. Even if people say that they can't make it after receiving a save the date we always like to encourage brides to send the formal invite anyway. First, because the truth is, plans change over the course of six months! If these guests rated the A-list for your wedding, if something came up and they were able to make it, wouldn't you hate for them to feel that they'd been "un-invited" or unsure if they were still welcome? But we also encourage invitations because they would probably appreciate knowing that you wanted them to feel included and appreciated. Receiving a wedding invitation is a special thing.
We like to advise our brides to add a personal note with these invitations so that you avoid confusion and alleviate pressure. Sometimes it's nothing more than a small enclosure that says something like: "We know you won't be able to join us, but should plans change, we would love to have you with us."
To just visit the gift issue one more time, it's also not uncommon for brides and grooms to start receiving gifts upon sending out save the dates! Some will be gifts with notes of regrets, but still others will be "engagement" gifts- especially if your Save the Date has information directing them to a website with registry info. So keep that in mind when you send our your first big "mailing" and know that even if you don't post it anywhere, you might want to let your parents know where you are registered. --Xochitl of Always a Bridesmaid
*If you've got a question for our expert, submit it by clicking "submit your question" in the right hand column, under "wediquette".
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
unique & elegant: my favorite combo
More great cakes! Even if you're not in the market for an extravagant 4 tier wonder, you must admit these are gorgeous! I think the "thing" that makes these so special is that they achieve the coveted combo of unique and elegant. It doesn't hurt that they're incredibly detailed, and I'm a sucker for details. All by Jim Smeal of Charleston, South Carolina.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
cover up!
Where can I get a cute cover up for the church/temple/weather you ask? Ah, the $65,000 question! How to cover the shoulders, how to cover the shoulders... (those are finger drumming ellipses). Saeyoung Vu Couture is a great place to start the search. I love the little bolero style shrugs for a more casual event with a retro vibe, and the full length sleeves for a more formal affair. Don't forget to check out the ties and sashes while you're there!
bridal gown
ann wood: tweety toppers
Ann Wood has just come out with her long awaited bird wedding cake toppers!
I thought I'd jump on this one fast, because Ann's birds tend not to last for too long. If you see something you like, scoop it up. I think last time I checked, there was two boy/girl couples left, and one each boy/boy, girl/girl. Get em while they're hot!
Monday, April 23, 2007
fancy for less
I love the beautiful handbags at Moo Roo (as do many noteworthy celebrities). While they are beautiful, they're extravagantly priced... usually. Not today! Loads of their bags are on sale, and when I say sale? I mean some have gone from $900 to $195, like that little cutie in the bottom right corner (perfect for a formal black and white affair). Most are more than 50% off.
Gotta love a sale!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
sam and dave: the hair
Hi everyone! Samantha sent me this post on Saturday, I'm sorry it's a little delayed. I've been away all weekend. Here's Sam!
Sunday is the pre-wedding party my aunts and uncles are throwing us at my parent’s house. I promise pictures next week. I’m really looking forward to it. It should be a lovely day full of games, cookie baking and lots of lounging in the sun. I’ll keep this weeks post brief. I would like to wear a hair accessory for the wedding. I happen to have long curly dark brown hair so I’m not doing an up do; I’m going to leave my hair loose and flowing. I might like to clip up the sides with a flower clip though and I keep wavering between buying a fake one or just getting a gardenia and bobby pinning it in. I love natural flowers but is it going to wilt in a minute or fall off if I bop around? The fake ones I’m seeing are fun but they look really unnatural and I don’t know if that’s my look. I love the vintage Billy Holiday thing with a flower on one side. Any tips and suggestions are welcome. I would love some input. Thanks!
*The ones above are from Jennifer Behr, and Nicole Kidman, respectively.
Sunday is the pre-wedding party my aunts and uncles are throwing us at my parent’s house. I promise pictures next week. I’m really looking forward to it. It should be a lovely day full of games, cookie baking and lots of lounging in the sun. I’ll keep this weeks post brief. I would like to wear a hair accessory for the wedding. I happen to have long curly dark brown hair so I’m not doing an up do; I’m going to leave my hair loose and flowing. I might like to clip up the sides with a flower clip though and I keep wavering between buying a fake one or just getting a gardenia and bobby pinning it in. I love natural flowers but is it going to wilt in a minute or fall off if I bop around? The fake ones I’m seeing are fun but they look really unnatural and I don’t know if that’s my look. I love the vintage Billy Holiday thing with a flower on one side. Any tips and suggestions are welcome. I would love some input. Thanks!
*The ones above are from Jennifer Behr, and Nicole Kidman, respectively.
hair accessories,
hair do's,
sam and dave
Thursday, April 19, 2007
wediquette, shmediquette
I'm pleased to announce that I'm teaming up with Xochitl Gonzalez, of Always a Bridesmaid Wedding Consulting to bring you a new weekly, (or semi-weekly) post about wediquette, entitled "Wediquette, Shmediquette" (I came up with that all by myself).
Anyway... in each "Wediquette, Shmediquette" post Xochitl will answer a question submitted by you. That's right, you. All you have to do is click on "submit question" over there in right hand sidebar under "wediquette". Each week (or so) Xochitl will choose one of your questions and address it. What qualifies Xochitl (pronounced So-cheel) to answer your very sensitive etiquette questions you might ask? Well, it just so happens she's a fantastic, (and certified) Wedding Planner and a tireless wedding coach and she has 7 years of experience in events. She's also recently married herself! You can check out her wedding consulting website here, or visit her blog here. Don't forget to submit your questions. The juicier the better. I want to be entertained!
Anyway... in each "Wediquette, Shmediquette" post Xochitl will answer a question submitted by you. That's right, you. All you have to do is click on "submit question" over there in right hand sidebar under "wediquette". Each week (or so) Xochitl will choose one of your questions and address it. What qualifies Xochitl (pronounced So-cheel) to answer your very sensitive etiquette questions you might ask? Well, it just so happens she's a fantastic, (and certified) Wedding Planner and a tireless wedding coach and she has 7 years of experience in events. She's also recently married herself! You can check out her wedding consulting website here, or visit her blog here. Don't forget to submit your questions. The juicier the better. I want to be entertained!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
every jot and tittle
How perfect would these be for favors? Or for labelling buffet items? Or for the candy buffet? Etsy. Is. Awesome. All by Every Jot and Tittle. Via Design*Sponge.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
happy blogday!
Something Old, Something New is officially one year old! If we were a baby, we'd be having our first cake, we'd be wearing a cute little outfit and flinging frosting at our cute little one-year old friends. Whammo!
When I started this blog, I don't think I really knew what I was getting myself into. I guess I thought I would post once or twice a week, indulge my passion for wedding style and gain some insight into the wedding community in the process. Turns out, I got way more than I bargained for. Turns out, I really love blogging! Who knew? I look forward to trolling the web for things to share at the end of every day. I love your comments. I love our blogging "neighborhood", and have made some wonderful new friends. I've even reconnected with some old ones. When I wasn't looking, this whole thing went from a whim to a big part of my life.
Weren't around for the gold ol' days? Take a look back at some of our very first posts:
The Best Bridesmaids Dresses Ever
Vintage Hair How-To's
Lovin Sullivan Cakes
non-wedding fun
Monday, April 16, 2007
none cheap. all stunning.
Anyone have anything they need to look smashing for this summer?
I can't tell you how much I want that last one, you know... for all my social engagements. I actually do have a few weddings to attend, and I would love to be caught in any of these. Here's the catch though, I'm kind of petite. And by "petite", I mean short. Can short girls wear long dresses? Just to give you an idea, I would probably have to remove the entire dark blue section from the dress in the middle so as not to trip all over it. That just ruins the fun. The best part about that dress is the blue bit at the bottom, and the best part about the one on the end is the detail at the hem. So, stilts then? Great. Just great.
Monochrome Scarf Dress: Nicole Miller
Printed Chiffon Gown: BCBG
Long Paisley Dress: Tibi
bridesmaid's dress,
rehearsal dinner,
Sunday, April 15, 2007
sam and dave: the shoes
Monday again? Well, at least we have a little update from Sam to look forward to. This week? Shoes. Take it away Sam:
Dave and I are so happy getting excited about the wedding. Next weekend my aunts and uncles are having a pre-wedding party for us at my parent’s house. Hopefully it’ll be sunny and warm so everyone can hang out outside on the lawn and patio. My mom has made about 100 batches of dough to get it ready for favors. So if we make a little assembly line we can do a little cookie baking too! Only problem is, if the house smells like cookies we’re bound to do a lot of cookie eating. That’ll be fine though, she made extra with that possibility (inevitability) in mind.
Also, I succumbed to having a bachelorette party after making the girls promise not to bring gifts, instead it’ll just be a night out with my wonderful female friends. I feel like it’s expecting a lot of people to give gifts at a shower, bachelorette party and the big event. So if people want to bring a gift to the wedding so be it but I am insisting on no gifts for the pre-wedding parties. Truly nothing is better than spending time with friends and family.
On another note, I found wedding shoes! On my week off, I perused Bloomingdale's and Century 21, but nothing seemed right. Sometimes a treasure can be found in your backyard though; I found my shoes at a little boutique in midtown called Precision. They’re a brand I’ve never heard from Holland called Bronx. I took the picture myself! I love how cute and vintage they look with the strap over the arch and they actually fit comfortably so I’ll be able to dance all night… that is after our salsa lessons, but I’ll save that for another post. Here’s a picture I took of the shoes with this vintage dress I have (I didn’t want Dave to hold up the real deal so I had him hold this one as a stand in).
Dave and I are so happy getting excited about the wedding. Next weekend my aunts and uncles are having a pre-wedding party for us at my parent’s house. Hopefully it’ll be sunny and warm so everyone can hang out outside on the lawn and patio. My mom has made about 100 batches of dough to get it ready for favors. So if we make a little assembly line we can do a little cookie baking too! Only problem is, if the house smells like cookies we’re bound to do a lot of cookie eating. That’ll be fine though, she made extra with that possibility (inevitability) in mind.
Also, I succumbed to having a bachelorette party after making the girls promise not to bring gifts, instead it’ll just be a night out with my wonderful female friends. I feel like it’s expecting a lot of people to give gifts at a shower, bachelorette party and the big event. So if people want to bring a gift to the wedding so be it but I am insisting on no gifts for the pre-wedding parties. Truly nothing is better than spending time with friends and family.
On another note, I found wedding shoes! On my week off, I perused Bloomingdale's and Century 21, but nothing seemed right. Sometimes a treasure can be found in your backyard though; I found my shoes at a little boutique in midtown called Precision. They’re a brand I’ve never heard from Holland called Bronx. I took the picture myself! I love how cute and vintage they look with the strap over the arch and they actually fit comfortably so I’ll be able to dance all night… that is after our salsa lessons, but I’ll save that for another post. Here’s a picture I took of the shoes with this vintage dress I have (I didn’t want Dave to hold up the real deal so I had him hold this one as a stand in).
Thursday, April 12, 2007
all kinds of sparkly
Beautiful, affordable, and totally engagement worthy rings, and nary a diamond in sight. That's right. I said nary.
White Topaz and 18K Gold, by Jude Francis
Aquamarine and 22K Gold, by Cathy Waterman
Pale Sapphire and 18K Gold, by Barry Kronen
engagement rings,
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
let's hear it for the boys
You've heard of boy bands? These are man bands! I don't cater to grooms much on this site, but it wouldn't be a wedding without one! I do, however, recognize that for most husbands-to-be this website would be... formidable territory. That being the case, I'm counting on you girls to spread the word about this amazing jeweler. Wes & Gold specializes in handmade gold and titanium jewelry and has the largest selection of unique and interesting wedding bands for men I've ever seen. If your mister is looking for something a smidge left of center, I think you found his jeweler!
wedding rings
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
cool book: simple stunning weddings
Via my new favorite website for all things entertainment, I found this fantastic book, with very promising cover photography. I know I'm not supposed to judge the book by it's cover, but I did. Hostess with the Mostess recommended it, and I liked the cover, so I bought it. Guilty. I'll let you know how it is, but I'm very optimistic.
If you'd like to be guilty too, click here.
Monday, April 9, 2007
great cakes
Beeeee-you-tiful, graphic, elegant cakes from Erica O'Brien Cake Design. I love that Erica uses pattern in such an unexpected way; so unpretentious, and so clean. These make me want to design cakes...
If you're in the Long Beach area, lucky you.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
sam and dave: the bonding
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I ate way too much holiday type indulgent food this weekend and I really can't see eating again until August 2009, at the very earliest. So that means more time for blogging. Let's start with an update from Sam:
I got the wedding ring that I mentioned from Clay Pot. I look forward to wearing it for the rest of my life. The artist is Lisa Ceccorulli, Here’s what she says about her designs “"I like to look at three, five, and seven as symbols of the steps to contentment." The shapes of her jewelry take the forms of stepping stones used to make walkways through ancient Japanese gardens. The stones and plants were arranged in groups of threes, fives, and sevens.
On another little note, I spent last weekend with my family and Dave. Dave went back to work on Monday and then came up for Passover dinner with his family (which is now the tradition). I was on vacation this week so my dad suggested I stay on to work on picking the photographs for the slide show we’re planning for the wedding. But Dave, Pita (the doggie) and I wound up getting a ride back to the city with Dave’s family that night. I wrote a little email to my dad the next day because the weekend was so wonderful and full of bonding:
“Thank you so much for the beautiful weekend and holiday. I love being with you so much. I love you and mom so much.”
And my dad replied with the most touching little email that meant so much to me:
“I was having a HUGE love rush for you too. Talking to Mom this morning…that was why I really wanted you for another night… Somehow, although nothing is really changing, I am getting emotional about "losing my daughter. Love you to pieces!!”
I replied with this:
“you will never lose me. We are only growing closer and closer. You and mom are my favorite people and I'm never so happy as when I am with you and Dave. I love you so much Dad and look forward to many many more beautiful weekends together. Sweet dreams."
I got the wedding ring that I mentioned from Clay Pot. I look forward to wearing it for the rest of my life. The artist is Lisa Ceccorulli, Here’s what she says about her designs “"I like to look at three, five, and seven as symbols of the steps to contentment." The shapes of her jewelry take the forms of stepping stones used to make walkways through ancient Japanese gardens. The stones and plants were arranged in groups of threes, fives, and sevens.
On another little note, I spent last weekend with my family and Dave. Dave went back to work on Monday and then came up for Passover dinner with his family (which is now the tradition). I was on vacation this week so my dad suggested I stay on to work on picking the photographs for the slide show we’re planning for the wedding. But Dave, Pita (the doggie) and I wound up getting a ride back to the city with Dave’s family that night. I wrote a little email to my dad the next day because the weekend was so wonderful and full of bonding:
“Thank you so much for the beautiful weekend and holiday. I love being with you so much. I love you and mom so much.”
And my dad replied with the most touching little email that meant so much to me:
“I was having a HUGE love rush for you too. Talking to Mom this morning…that was why I really wanted you for another night… Somehow, although nothing is really changing, I am getting emotional about "losing my daughter. Love you to pieces!!”
I replied with this:
“you will never lose me. We are only growing closer and closer. You and mom are my favorite people and I'm never so happy as when I am with you and Dave. I love you so much Dad and look forward to many many more beautiful weekends together. Sweet dreams."
sam and dave
Thursday, April 5, 2007
fragments at a fraction
Check out Fragments' website for some really fantastic designer jewelry on sale for 50% of it's original price. Nothing like beautiful things on sale to off to start the weekend off right.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
photo confessional
I have been woefully neglectful when it comes to my wedding photos. I love them. I lurve them. I just never got around to making an album, let alone displaying them in any way. My mom has some images framed in her house, but in my house? You'd never know I was married were it not for the presence of the husband. I was never able to find a perfect album, I never had the energy to organize the prints... blah, blah. It was one of those things that I just found really daunting and I put it off. Guilty as charged. Anyway, it's 2.65 years later, but I think I finally found the solution.
The Phillips PhotoFrame. It's basically a small monitor with memory. You load your digital images onto it, and it displays them for you. Tell the screen to display just one photo or a whole set of photos. It can show a different photo every day, every hour, or every 5 seconds if you want. Mine is set to rotate pics every 24 hours. This way I can see a different shot each day, and I never get sick of that one image. Added plus: Dell loves it. He can't for the life of him imagine why no one came up with this idea before. Way more reaction than I ever would have gotten from an album. I guarantee.
Might also make a nice after-wedding present for the parents. Load it up for them and all they have to do is plug it in.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
diy centerpieces
Check out Matthew Mead Style for some great DIY. How beautiful would these topiaries be in different sizes, in shades of green and pink hydrangea as centerpieces down the middle of a long table? Or as focal points on a buffet table? Or create flowering branches, even out of season. All of the above could be made by you. That's right. You da boss.
Monday, April 2, 2007
poetry in a ring
I don't know what it is about these last few weeks! I've been stumbling across awesome wedding bands left and right. These, by Lana Jewelry, are pretty and pretty affordable. Please excuse the sentimentalism, (but the wedding band? it's kind of a sentimental thing) I'm going to wax poetic for a just second and say that the ring on the left reminds me very much of this passage on marriage, by Kahlil Gibran.
"...Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow."
This passage was read at my husband's parent's wedding, and my mother-in-law read it at our wedding. I think it's so beautiful, it still kind of chokes me up a little.
wedding rings
sam and dave: done. and not done.
This is a little delayed, but we can't go a whole Monday without hearing from Sam! Seems like lots of progress this week. Here's Samantha:
Spring is here! The wedding is in two + months . So much has been taken care of! As per your suggestions I went to The Clay Pot in Park Slope, I must have tried on 10 wedding bands and I found one that I love. The artist is Lisa Ceccorulli. Her bands are not on the website unfortunately. I'm going back to have another look next week so stay tuned. This weekend Dave and I got his wedding tie and shirt from Calvin Klein. We went with a crisp white shirt and a shiny silver tie. I saw a picture of Jonathan Reese Miller in a Gucci ad with that combo and thought how nice the light colors looked in contrast to a dark suit. His suit is charcoal gray. My nana Sally (the one from the photo in a previous post) is visiting my family so Dave and I spent the weekend with everyone. Dave built and finished our wedding website with my dad's input. It contains all the info our guests will need. We're enjoying the start of spring and spending this beautiful time with family finishing up final details and getting ready for a pre-wedding party my aunts are hosting for us later this month. I just have to find shoes, earrings, a wedding ring for me, a dress for my mom and shoes for Dave...these are the tasks are all on the agenda...hmmm maybe there's more to do then initially speculated.
Spring is here! The wedding is in two + months . So much has been taken care of! As per your suggestions I went to The Clay Pot in Park Slope, I must have tried on 10 wedding bands and I found one that I love. The artist is Lisa Ceccorulli. Her bands are not on the website unfortunately. I'm going back to have another look next week so stay tuned. This weekend Dave and I got his wedding tie and shirt from Calvin Klein. We went with a crisp white shirt and a shiny silver tie. I saw a picture of Jonathan Reese Miller in a Gucci ad with that combo and thought how nice the light colors looked in contrast to a dark suit. His suit is charcoal gray. My nana Sally (the one from the photo in a previous post) is visiting my family so Dave and I spent the weekend with everyone. Dave built and finished our wedding website with my dad's input. It contains all the info our guests will need. We're enjoying the start of spring and spending this beautiful time with family finishing up final details and getting ready for a pre-wedding party my aunts are hosting for us later this month. I just have to find shoes, earrings, a wedding ring for me, a dress for my mom and shoes for Dave...these are the tasks are all on the agenda...hmmm maybe there's more to do then initially speculated.
sam and dave
Sunday, April 1, 2007
crown of flowers
These gorgeous handmade enamel tiaras remind me of my grandmother's jewelry box. My sisters and I used to love sorting through that big box. We loaded on the beaded necklaces "Mardi Gras" style and attached the clip-on earrings to everything, ears, shoes, hair, clothing... You name it, we made it "fancier" with clip-on earrings.
While these do remind me of my childhood dress-up extravaganzas, I find these particular pieces very grown up and graceful. A more delicate and feminine way to add some color to your bridal ensemble or to compliment a retro garden theme, I can't imagine.
hair accessories,
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